Photo Courtesy of How are climate, terrestrial ice and Alaskan indigenous cultures all connected?
An amazing 70% of Earth's fresh water ice and 91% of the world's total ice is located in Antarctica. This ice is extremely different from the ice in the Arctic because it is located on top of actual land. The Antarctic ice is not floating as the Arctic ice does. If it were not for the ice shelves around Antarctica the glaciers and ice on the land would migrate out to sea at a much quicker rate. The shelves act as a kind of dam. This is a good thing or else some coastal towns in the United States might actually be places to go fishing in the ocean! In the "Information is Beautiful" link it is a little disturbing to see that if the ice all melted into the ocean that most of Alaska would be under water!
Antarctica receives very little solar warmth in the southern hemisphere summer months. The angle of impact is no where near as strong as the almost perpendicular connection that the sun makes along the equator. Combine this with the solid white sheet of snow and ice crystals in the air almost all of the solar heat is reflected away from the Earth.
Google Earth has a couple of great installs that give an interactive view of Antarctica. There are pictures, videos and audio clips of events involving work being done in the name of science. The picture below is just one of the many that can be seen in the "90 Degrees South: Interactive Experience of Antarctica" add on by Andrea Polli, Sha Sha Feng and Michael Ray Medina.
Antarctica is not the only source of terrestrial ice. There are also glaciers in the Northern hemisphere, seasonal ice and permafrost over much of Alaska and a good part of North America in general. If all of the glaciers around the globe melted other than the glaciers of Antarctica the sea level would rise roughly twenty feet. Although this could have some serious effects on life around the planet it would not be nearly the impact that the potential of thawing permafrost has on Earth. Permafrost holds a large amount of methane and carbon dioxide. These two are greenhouse gases which have increased since substantially in the last 250 years. In a study seen at it is calculated that Methane has experienced a 152% increase in concentration in the atmosphere and that carbon dioxide has increased by 34%. The increase is not just from thawing permafrost, it is speculated that it is also coming from an increase in cattle farming and rice cultivation around the world.
Why should Alaskan students care about any of this? Everything mentioned above can have a direct effect on the way of life of those living in Alaska. If global warming continues and is truly influenced by man-made pollution then an increase in temperature will melt more arctic ice during the summer months and thaw more permafrost. This thawing will release methane and carbon dioxide which will further increase the temperature of the Earth. If the average temperature of the Earth increases it could lead to more melting and destruction of the ice shelves in Antarctica. If the shelves are gone, then Antarctic glaciers will travel towards the oceans at a faster pace. The ice will then melt into the ocean and raise the sea level across the globe. If Antarctica melts, Alaska will be gone. This can be seen in the top right of the diagram seen below from
All ways of life in Alaska whether it be rural or urban will no longer be able to be sustained. Through natural causes this would not happen for centuries, but if artificial influences speed up this process it could lead to disastrous living conditions for future generations. This can be easily related to the Fairbanks area. There is a lot of research being done at the University of Alaska Fairbanks. However, it's not just them who are doing research. Popular Science mentioned Fairbanks in an article about climate in a February 2nd, 2009 issue. It talks about the annual temperature average to be between 23 and 28 degrees Fahrenheit, but that the average temperature could increase by about 4 degrees by 2050 if current permafrost thawing trends continue. However, the temperature could raise by 12 degrees depending on how different things play out. Although it can take a little more time in planning lessons it is good to bring in these images and ideas because it helps the students to see that things that are happening around the world even in Antarctica could end up changing the way of life for us here in Alaska. Just ask those in Shishmaref.
How is Earth's climate connected to its geological, biological and cultural systems?
This is probably the most intense module so far in this class. It has definitely added to my growing awareness of climate and its affects on human life as well as vice versa. There is definitely some controversy surrounding the topic of climate change and whether or not man made contributions are altering the behavior of Earth's climate. Even morning radio personalities have opinions on whether global warming is occurring or not. Just last week I was listening to the radio and the two people on were adamant that global warming wasn't happening because it was colder than usual on the east coast and throughout the mid-west.
Survival on Earth for all living creatures including people depends on the climate being hospitable enough to support it. Regardless whether or not we are affecting it, it is important to understand the patterns and behavior of our climate to be prepared for anything that could be unforeseen or dangerous to our survival.
The past couple days I have been trying to think of ways to get younger people more interested in going into the sciences after high school in order to someday help Alaska. The best way is to make it relevant to the students. However, just telling them that villages are being washed away by the ocean or that many water sources are becoming contaminated aren't enough. I was fortunate enough to work with La'ona Dewilde this past summer. She helped out with a program to help high school students become interested in and attend college after graduating. The students were able to see first hand how water is tested for contaminants and then analyzed to make some conclusions about the results. Although a few of the students were eager to help out and followed the steps I'm not sure how much they retained or understood about the importance of the testing. The majority of the students at the camp were primarily city kids and weren't directly exposed to changing climate on a daily basis like those in more rural communities. There are many young people out in remote villages who do want to help understand their world because they are hearing from their elders that many of todays happenings are unlike what their ancestors experienced before them. However, the reality is that many won't go on to seek higher education. There definitely needs to be more outreach to students in rural places to help guide them towards obtaining the skills they need to return to their homes to research the causes of climate change and to help direct courses of action.
Fortunately, as more people get the education they need to make a difference in Alaska and around the world they become sources of inspiration for current and future students. This is why I teach. I want to see the students I teach go on to get their college degrees and then go back and put their energy into bettering Alaska (and the rest of the world too if there is time).
As Fran says in her blog scientists may find us a new planet to live on and it won't matter what happens to this one, but I would also like to figure out how to better manage our CO2 outputs to become more neutral in our impact on the planet. If we could figure out how to store and reuse it like in the image below life would be much simpler. (at least in knowing that we have less impact on the planet than natural occurances)
Picture courtesy of
How are the Earth, atmosphere and cultures all connected?
The short answer is that culture is sandwiched between the Earth and the atmosphere while the atmosphere surrounds everything. However, this fails to even remotely describe the complex interactions that do occur. In my last blog I tied culture into the other components last. Here I feel that culture is more directly affected by the conditions and behaviors of the atmosphere.
Many cultures in the northern hemisphere have long depended on their environments for survival. In the past century the arctic has gained a haze that is due to pollution created further south by factories (as seen in the picture above ( and other sources. Besides creating a haze that gives the sky a slight reddish tint it brings up other hazards. Often the pollution contains low levels of polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs). These aren't dangerous in small amounts, but they don't disperse easily which makes them dangerous. As it settles into the arctic environment it is absorbed by small animals. The PCBs aren't digested and are simply stored in the fat of an animal which is called bioaccumulation. This causes the PCBs to be passed up the food chain and develop into large stores in animals at the top of the food chain. As people eat animals that contain PCBs it is stored into their fat. Some of the effects could be responsible
for low birth weight, lowered IQ's, poor short-term memory, and lowered performance in memory and behavioral tests. These effects were directly observed in women who were exposed to PCBs in upstate New York. Similar behaviors could also be seen in rats exposed to PCBs. The arrival of the PCB's are likely due to pollution produced by southern Asia as shown in the image to the left ( If this type of pollution continues to funnel into the arctic it could eventually have a devestating effect of making the northern regions uninhabitable.
The other possibility of what can happen to the arctic regions is made possible by the haze that accumulates in the north. As seen in the Arctic Haze video on teacher's domain it is more than apparent that the haze isn't a natural phenomenon. This haze helps to insulate the Earth by trapping warmth near the ground. This helps to thaw the permafrost in northern areas. As it thaws, methane is given off which could contribute to an eventual increase in global temperature. Research is being continually done on the topic now. There are also attempts at helping reduce the output of pollution in developing countries.
Only time will tell if industrialized cultures in southern areas produce enough pollution to drive cultures out of their northern habitats making the land and air useless in the arctic.
Wayne's Blog Awards!
Now it's time to award this weeks Blog awards. They were chosen based on some very specific criteria that is too complicated to post here in this blog.
Best Star Wars Reference: This goes to Brenda ( Anyone who references Star Wars in their blog I consider to be awesome!
Best Inclusion of Personal Experience: This goes to Dan's Alaska Connections. ( for sharing some great personal connections.
Greatest Variation in Text Sizes and Colors: Kate's Blog ( Need I say more?
Scariest Intro: Franklin's Kobuk River Valley People blog ( for including an adult content warning page. I didn't know what I was getting into.
Best to the Point Blog: alaskaZgal's blog ( for being clear without saying more than needs to be said.